stack of books and graduation cap

7 Tips for Preparing for Grad School

Choosing the right grad school program is quite different from picking a university and major for your undergraduate degree. Know exactly what to expect to ensure you come to the right decision and improve your chances of being accepted to your top choice. 1. Decide on Your Goals It’s important to have a clear reason why you want to attend grad school. It may be that you have a deep interest in a...

Lovely young woman clothes designer

How to Build a Professional Wardrobe on a Student’s Budget

You may need to start acquiring professional clothing while you’re still a student. Although you might be able to manage with just one outfit if you only need something to wear for job fairs and interviews, you’ll need a complete wardrobe if you land an internship. This may be challenging while you’re a student, but there are ways to gain everything you need while staying with your budget. 1....

young woman in yoga pose

A Simple & Restorative Yoga Routine for Your Student Apartment

One of the best ways to stay fit is to practice yoga on a regular basis. The following restorative moves are ideal for when you need a break from studying and are simple enough that even beginners will be able to do them. 1. Prayer Pose Begin your routine by putting yourself in the right mindset with some meditation in prayer pose. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place your palms...

wood background with text Student Loans

Do Student Loans Affect Your Credit?

Most people need to take out student loans to be able to afford tuition at university. In addition to considering how you’ll pay your loans back, you need to know how they’ll impact your credit. This is important because your credit score will influence everything from whether you receive approval to rent an apartment, take out a mortgage, or receive a loan to buying a car or starting your own...

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