How Procrastinators Can Succeed at University

How Procrastinators Can Succeed at University

Many people confuse procrastinating with being lazy. In reality, the two are completely different. Laziness means wasting your time. When you procrastinate, you justify the fact you’re not working on whatever you should be doing (such as completing an assignment) by doing something you prefer that does have value (such as chores, exercising, or less-urgent coursework). The bad news is that...

Must-Have Items for University

Must-Have Items for University

Using packing lists you find online is a great start, but even those lists tend to miss a few things that many students find invaluable. To make your stay at university as comfortable as possible, be sure to bring all these must-have items to your new apartment. 1. Extra Sheets While you could manage with just one set of sheets, it’s much more convenient to have two sets. This will mean you won’t...

Guide to Taking a Mental Health Day at University

University life can be hectic, with tight schedules and heavy workloads. As such, keeping up with everything and functioning at your optimum level can be overwhelming. Sometimes you need a break from the demanding and stressful university routine. That's where mental health days come in. No, not the kind you take from your job to go to the spa. We're talking about the sort of break you take from your...

How to Enjoy Parties Without Drinking

The university experience is a mix of excitement, independence, and self-discovery. It's time to go where you want to go, do what you want to do, and be who you want to be. It is also a time to enjoy parties, and most university parties involve alcohol for extra fun. Sure, it's a rite of passage, but drinking isn’t the right choice for everyone. And, while you may think otherwise, the truth is that...

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